About Us
Date Posted:19 September 2016

Distributors of Outdoor, Marine, Auto and Industrial and Snow Sport Products including Nairn plastic marine components.
Ansco Pty Ltd was established by the current Managing Director, John Anson, in 1976 as a manufacturer of award winning engineering tools. Over the years the business has evolved by natural growth and takeovers. Whilst the product ranges sold have changed, there is still the same strong emphasis on function and quality in each product sold.
Every year we trek around the globe searching for the latest items to offer in our leisure range for marine, outdoor and snow sport activities. We still maintain our engineering background through the manufacture of Nairn plastic marine fittings and range of industrial and stainless steel products.
With an offering of over 6000 line items, Ansco can provide you with the equipment you need for any event, outing, or expedition requiring quality gear.
We love getting outdoors and trust all of our own products to get us through the good times and the bad.
We are proud to be long-term members of the following associations:
Wholesale information is available to wholesale customers with established accounts.
Our website display retail prices. Wholesale customers can log-in and view wholesale prices and price-lists.
To set up your Wholesale customer account please email [email protected] requesting wholesale customer access and we will take you through the process of getting you registered.
Since 1976 our home as been around the northern suburbs of Melbourne in the industrial and manufacturing base of Heidelberg and Preston.
We operate from a 1200 square metre facility housing a modern warehouse, office and showroom. Feel free to pop in to view our product range or make purchases in-store.
We have all the support and advice you need for the gear you want.
Ansco Pty Ltd
12 Water Road
Preston VIC 3072 Australia
Phone: +61 (0)3 9480 8500
Fax: +61 (0)3 9480 8555
E-mail Customer Service: [email protected]
E-mail Management: [email protected]
ABN 50 005 159 295